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Posts tagged ‘Africa’

From the beginning – this is me.

My life without media - look at how happy I am!

My life without media – look at how happy I am!

I am 19 years of age and I am not the typical teenage stereotype. I act like my grandparents when faced with the task of doing things online. Technology and I have never mixed.

Yes, I do text and I am on Facebook but honestly it is to keep in contact with family and friends that I do not often see. I would not have a notion of how to use Twitter or Instagram; I barely even know what they are or why they are so popular.

I had to create a blog that was media based for a module in University. So, I decided that this blog should map my journey of exploration into the technological age – the life of a modern teenager. I am a bookworm at my core and would always choose a classic novel over the newest app available.

I spent six months in Ghana, West Africa at the start of 2013 and I grew very used to not having any technology available to me. There was no internet and I barely had any contact with home due to the terrible phone signal. And I was happy. I am only now using Facebook on a regular basis and I don’t text message like I used to. I much prefer face to face contact – instant message and texts are now extremely impersonal to me and not at all satisfying.

So this will be an interesting journey to see if I am swept up in the craze of the technological age!